Fabulous views overlooking Loch Linnhe and the Ardgour hills
Check in is available from 2.00pm to 8.00pm (14:00 to 20:00) on the day of arrival. Check-in times outside of those specified must be confirmed with us prior to arrival. A supplemental charge may be made for arrivals after 20:00 that have not been pre-arranged.
We ask that you please vacate your room by 10.00am on the morning of departure.
Each booking must be guaranteed by a credit or debit card.
CANCELLATIONS: For reservations no charges will be made provided that 7 days notice is given of cancellation of reservations.
CANCELLATION CHARGES: Non-arrivals and reservations which are cancelled within the above cancellation periods will be charged 100% of the booking value. If we are able to re-let the accommodation we would, of course, not charge cancellation fees except for any shortfall.
INSURANCE: We do recommend insurance against cancellation (see www.cancellationplan.com for UK holiday insurance; this company is not affiliated with Alltonside Guest House, Fort William).
May we take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you from a particularly beautiful part of the Scottish Highlands.